Tuesday, 31 May 2011

who's actually reading what i'm saying ?

I was wondering if I'm writing these blogs for nothing ? Who actually reads it ?  so many questions but there all true... am i wasting my time on here by writing all this stuff that no one reads ? who knows.


  1. Je m'apelle Casey.
    Oui, Danielle, I read your blog and I think it's is tres tres fantastique est Bon.
    You should keep writing - I don't know why you don't enjoy English classes, you are, in fact, a very good writer! Have a great day Danielle! Food Tech today! Yay!
    See you at school,

  2. hi casey! thanks yours is very PRO compared to mine ! English and writing is not my thing and i'm not a creative writer at all. I just write from my mind... which is sort of weird. Your a fantastic writer too ! thanks casey you too !! have fun cooking !

  3. How good did our honey oat slice taste? I loved it!
    It's not weird to write from your mind... what else will you write from? You can't write from anyone else's mind.
    And you are a creative writter... anyone who reads your blog would know that.
    Have a great night.
    - Casey.

  4. OMG they tasted FANTASTIC!
    I guess it's not weird haha :) i guess !
    I'm a creative writter? i'm not a writter it's not my thing. Anyone wh had read your blog would know your a very talented writer!
    Thanks Casey
    Hope you have a good night to :)
